
Got what it takes to score a share of over €130,000 in prizes?

PokerStars has signed a legend. A guy that loves the thrills. A guy that’s shaking things up.

Neymar Jr has made a comeback and he’s bringing the rewards.

You’re now in his inner circle and he wants you to score a goal. Get one in the back of the net and win a prize of up to €20,000.

Fancy yourself as a top player? Join his team between April 14-May 7.

Play real money games. Win Chests. Flip chips. See if you can net a share of over €130,000 in prizes.

Neymar Chip Chase

How it works:

  • Opt-in to Neymar Jr’s Chip Chase via your Challenges Window.
  • Play real money games to complete progress bars and win Stars Rewards Chests. These contain a special edition Neymar Jr chip.
  • Flip your chip to reveal the number of spaces (1-4) you can move. Land on an arrow and accelerate your progress. Land on a yellow card and move onto the penalty path.
  • Win a Chest containing an instant prize when you land on a football. Take a shot from this square and see if you can win a special prize worth up to €400. You’ve got a 20% chance of scoring.
  • Complete the board and you’ll automatically score a goal and a final prize of up to €20,000. You don’t need to land exactly on the square 42 (the Chest) to do this. If the number on your chip takes you beyond last square, you will also win.

Neymar Jr’s in the game. Are you?

Terms & Conditions

What is the offer?

When you opt-in, you will see a board that has been broken down into 42 squares and 8 yellow card penalty squares. The board will include 9 footballs and 4 arrows. Square 42 will host the final Chest.

Every time you complete a progress bar, by playing real money games, you will receive a chip inside your Stars Rewards Chest. The chip will have a number from 1-4 on it. Your marker will move the number of squares displayed on the chip.

The arrows on the board allow you to accelerate your progress. If you land exactly on a square at the bottom of an arrow, you will then move to the square at the top of the arrow. If you land on square 3, you will move to square 9, if you land on square 18, you will move to square 20, if you land on square 22, you will move to square 28, and if you land on square 34 you will go to square 38.

In order to complete the Challenge, you will need to complete the board by landing on or going past the final Chest at square 42. If your chip takes you beyond Chest square 42, you will complete the board and get the final reward. For example, if you are on the square 41, and your chip displays a 3, you will still complete the board.

When is this offer?

This offer takes place from 15:00 CEST on April 14, 2021 and finishes at 23:59 CEST on May 7, 2021.

Who is eligible?

This offer is open to all Stars Rewards members. All players must have registered with the Stars Rewards loyalty program and must have opted into the offer.

What will I receive?

If you land exactly on a square with football marker (squares 5, 10, 14, 17, 23, 28, 32, 35 and 39) you will receive a Chest containing an instant personalised reward. There is a 20% chance of ‘scoring a goal’ and winning a larger prize. The value of your reward is linked to your Stars Rewards Level:

80% €1 €2 €5 €15 €40 €100
20% €5 €10 €20 €60 €150 €400

If you complete the board by reaching square 42, you will receive a Chest containing an instant personalised reward. The value of your reward is linked to your Stars Rewards Level:

84.9% €2 €4 €10 €30 €80 €200
15% €10 €20 €40 €120 €300 €800
0.1% €250 €500 €1,000 €5,000 €15,000 €20,000


  • Only players that have joined the Stars Rewards loyalty program are eligible to participate in this offer. Affinity-based rewards are tailored based on the games you play and can range from Tournament Tickets, Free Spins (where available) or StarsCoin, amongst others.
  • The offer finishes once you reach Chest square 42, or on May 7, 2021, whichever happens first. You don’t have to land exactly on Chest square 42. If you go beyond square 42, you will complete the board.
  • A prize won as part of this offer cannot be assigned, transferred or exchanged for cash.
  • Chests will be forfeited if not opened within 7 days after the end of the offer period.
  • Once the Chests are opened, all prizes that form part of this offer will be added to the player's account immediately and will be available for the player to use.

See here for general promotional Terms & Conditions.

If you have any questions regarding Neymar Jr’s Chip Chase, please visit our Help Center.